Familiar with the term hot girl summer? well not to worry if you're not. This is the title of one of Megan thee stallion songs though she has a different meaning. I thought I would remix the words and use them to talk about health & well-being.
How can you have a hot girl summer and stick to your health and well-being goals? My answer is make your goals simple so they are easier to stick to. During the summer months, we want to feel and look our best, and it can be hard when there so much going on making it more difficult to find time to exercise and make yourself a priority.
Today I am going to share some easy tips to get you started.
Go for a daily walk for 30 minutes or longer
Do 10 mins of yoga at least 2-3 times per week
Find an easy ab exercise and do it daily like plank start with 30 seconds then increase as you see fit
Eat a light breakfast such as a fruit salad or a vegetable juice
Drink lots of water well 2-3 litres to be precise you can jazz it up with fresh ginger, mint leaves, slices of lemon or lime for flavour
Do a daily facial scrub to get rid of dead skin cells
Any opportunity you get to have an early night, take it
Stay away from the alcohol and sugar as much as you can
Like a said nice and simple, easy to follow without hindering your busy routine too much, if you want to talk more about my hot girl summer tips just click on the button below.